Healing · community · transformation · compassion · Plant Medicine

Awaken Your Inner Light: A Mystical Women’s Retreat in the Colorado Rockies

Are you yearning for deeper connection, inner peace, and transformative healing?

Join us Oct 24-27, 2024 for an unforgettable journey of self-discovery in the breathtaking embrace of the Colorado Rockies.

A teacher comes, they say, when you are Ready. And if you ignore its presence, it will speak to you more Loudly. But you have to be quiet toHear ~Robin Wall Kimmerer

  • Reconnect with nature: Immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring beauty of the mountains, feeling the power of fresh air and ancient landscapes rejuvenate your body and soul.
  • Explore ancient healing modalities: Discover practices like yoga, meditation, breathwork, and sound healing, guided by experienced facilitators who will help you unlock your inner potential.
  • Delve into self-reflection: Through workshops, ceremonies, and connection, embark on a path of self-discovery, uncovering limiting beliefs and cultivating self-compassion.
  • Connect with a like-minded community: Find solace and support in a group of individuals seeking similar experiences, forging meaningful connections and lasting friendships.
  • Unwind and rejuvenate: Enjoy nourishing ayurvedic, plant-based meals, yoga and meditation, and ample time for relaxation amidst the serene mountain setting.
Image of Psilocybin Retreat

This retreat may be a good fit if…

  • You’re seeking a transformative experience to reconnect with yourself and nature.
  • You’re curious about exploring alternative healing practices and their potential benefits.
  • You’re ready to shed limiting beliefs and cultivate greater self-love and understanding.
  • You’re open to connecting with like-minded individuals on a journey of self-discovery.

All the logistics

What to Expect

  • Daily Meditation
  • Somatic Movement
  • Ritual practices
  • Hape (a snuff that is pulverized mixture of tobacco and other plants and herbs bundle, used for cleansing)
  • Guided Group Plant Medicine Ceremony with Mushrooms
  • Sound Healing
  • Embodied Dance
  • Holotropic Breathwork
  • Shamanic Journeying and Healing
  • Fire Ceremony (weather dependent)
  • Tarot / Oracle Group Reading
  • Healthy Plant-Based, Ayurvedic Meals
  • 1 Preparation Group Zoom call
  • 4 Post Retreat Group Integration Zoom calls
  • Dates: Arrival is between 4-6pm on Thursday, October 24, 2024 and departure will take place on Sunday October 27th by 10am
  • Location: 1.5 hours outside of Denver 
  • Cost: $2100-2500 depending on room selection
  • Cancellation policy: Refund minus $100 administration fee offered prior to September 24, 2024.  No refund after September 24, 2024. 
  • Everyone must complete an intake form which we will review to ensure this retreat is a good fit. This helps to ensure a safe retreat for all.

**all offerings are completely voluntary. You are welcome and encouraged to participate in as much or as little as you desire

We are both trained and experienced practitioners and group facilitators, however we are not Licensed Natural Medicine Facilitators through the State of Colorado. The mushrooms you will receive are gifts from us to you. And your experience with the mushrooms are legal for your personal use through the Prop 122 Natural Medicine Act (PS. the State requires us to say this). 


“Laurel and Celeste held a beautiful space for us to gather, connect, dissolve, and reassemble ourselves. They cultivated a circle in such a skillful and intuitive way, and I felt safe to let my guard down and be myself. The plant medicine was shared with intention, love, and respect, and the practices for grounding and releasing were flowing and imbued with deep wisdom. Thank you thank you!”

– Maria

Meet your Facilitators

Laurel Hicks

Celeste Williamson